Every Sole Counts
Every Sole Counts
Every Sole Counts
Last June, a handful of volunteers flew to Leyte and hiked up to Isabel. We wanted to document the plight of the schoolkids who had to walk their way up to their schools on a daily basis. Most of them had no proper footwear. Some were barefoot.
The message we wanted to communicate is simple. Bring the kids a step closer to their dream of getting a proper education. With the simple act of sponsoring a pair of shoes for the kids.
What drew me to the project was how achievable the goals were and how immediate the impact would be to their lives. It wasn’t a handout. Rather, It was empowering to the children.
It’s a drop in the bucket and the easiest thing to have corporate sponsors on board to get to the goals. But from the very start, we wanted to appeal to the individual.
Please follow Facebook.com/EverySoleCounts to learn how to help.
And yes – please share this video no end.
Thanks to Trina, Wawa and Miguel for making us part of this endeavor. To new and meaningful friendships!
My endless gratitude to the people who contributed their talents.
Elson and Michael and Jake for hiking up with me to the mountains.
We were huffing and puffing on the way up but we couldn’t let the kids embarrass us.
Thanks to Tin for coordinating the project and Dennis for grading the final film.
And the ever dependable Ken Benitez for the logo.
This video is part of the ?#?jmagwillworkforfree initiative
That you can help out, even in your singularity. That you can make a difference. We have to start somewhere. And the best place to start is ourselves.