Jason Magbanua
© 2025 Jason Magbanua

The Jason Magbanua 4k Primer

The Jason Magbanua 4k Primer

4k Video is here!

It’s 2019 and here I am about to explain to you the wonderful advantages of 4k video for weddings.

It needs to be said, we are now capable of recording, editing and delivering in 4k format.

Let’s start shall we?  Why?

  1. It’s just overall clearer, sharper, better in terms of image quality.  It’s actually four times the size of regular high-definition.  4k.  Four times.  Get it?
  2. It’s a great way to future proof this priceless memory.  I have a ton of videos shot earlier in the aughts which are on its last legs.  They still tell beautiful stories but how I wish they’d be a little bit clearer, less pixelized when displayed in the current bigger screens.  Shooting 4k now ensures we’re good for the next 15 years even if consumer TVs balloon to 100 inches.  But of course we know the marriage will last much much longer than that (we hope).
  3. Progress is just part of the natural word order.  Twenty years ago we were delivering in VHS, then DVD in 2005 (you remember discs right?),  we introduced high definition in 2010 – it’s 2019, I think 4k is just about ripe in this moment of history.  Nobody uses tape, discs, hell even USB drives now – everything is streaming.

This is a stock image I actually paid for and licensed.

It needs to be said, we are now capable of recording, editing and delivering in 4k format.

What do you need to fully embrace and experience the 4k, (brace for it, I’m gonna call it) a – REVOLUTION!

  1.  A 4k capable TV.  A 60 incher to start.
  2.  A fast internet connection for streaming.  We can’t be friends if you’re under 100mbps.
  3.  A media player which supports 4k.

I’m really sorry for all this tech talk, I know fully well that my audience is 70 percent female.  But this is not a girl thing or a guy thing – it’s a LOVE thing! (heart eyes emoji).

But this is not a girl thing or a guy thing - it’s a LOVE thing! (heart eyes emoji).

I can go on and on and write a treatise about this but the best and only way to let you know this is the best thing since bidets at hotels is to have you watch videos on 4k.  This playlist will grow and expand over the coming months.  Enjoy!

Bea and Francis

Filmed in Malibu

Desiree and Marvin

4k is inevitable, eventual,  morbidly like Thanos,  so it’s really a great idea to jump on it right now.

Check out pricing at jasonmagbanua.com/rates and please do send me an email at hello@jasonmagbanua.com if you have other questions.


The 4K Playlist

Toggle 4k in the settings!
