Jason Magbanua
© 2024 Jason Magbanua

Jason in Abu Dhabi

Jason in Abu Dhabi

Wedding Filmmaking Workshop

We are so excited for this one. Please contact eleazar@xceed-events.com for details.

We allotted three days for this because it’s going to be intense. You can sign up for the basic one day class or the two day advanced workshop. Well hell, why not sign up to both.

The content for this one is going to be loaded. Both in theory and hands on training. I have Michael Jamandre with me to teach advanced camera and gimbal operation. I’ll take care of theory, mindset and process. I’ll also touch on branding and marketing and of course, the use of social media in promoting your work.

Three days of information and training. You can’t get this anywhere else. So, put a leg up over your competition and join us for the event.

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