Jason Magbanua
© 2025 Jason Magbanua

Richard & Maya

Richard & Maya

Be Careful With My Heart Wedding

For my friends and followers outside the Philippines, I have to get this out of the way, umm,  this is not a real wedding.   Richard and Maya are the lead characters in the number one daytime television series in the Philippines – Be Careful With My Heart (BCWMH).

The cultural impact and reach of BCWMH is astounding.  It’s cut across socio-demographic status, it has heralded a non-traditional mold for a male lead, and the Filipino people have assimilated the characters as if they were real – Ser Chief and Maya have crossed the realm of the fictional.

(Remember the outcry of the British when Sir Arthur Conan Doyle killed off their beloved Sherlock Holmes?)

Well Richard and Maya, as part of the season climax, like in all fairytales, were going to live happily ever after by way of marriage.  And what better way to reinforce the notion of reality than having real life wedding videographers and photographers shoot the make believe event?

That’s exactly what happened.

And it was a fantastic experience!  We got to work with MangoRed and PJ of MetroEventscape Planners and the entire ABS-CBN crew.  I have nothing but high praise for all of them, from the EP, to the Director all the way down to Marlon, the guy brought us coffee in between takes.

The chemistry between the two leads was undeniable.  It was as if they weren’t acting.

It was so kilig to have this SDE broadcast in national TV.  I hope you get kilig too when you watch it again and again.


The music I chose for this piece is from Marie Hines – My Love Will Never Fail You.  It was licensed through themusicbed.com.

She is an independent artist so please support and purchase her music through iTunes and her site – www.mariehines.com