Marissa & Basti
Marissa & Basti
A Wedding in Puerto Princesa
I had to admit to myself even just a little bit, that the timing was off for this wedding we took in Puerto Princesa in Palawan. Everybody was gearing up for the long vacation and here we were lugging our equipment for a flight going south to work.
After touchdown, we drove off for another hour and a half to a resort away from the city – Sunrise Mansion.
And slowly, the reservations melted away. The place had something to do with that of course. It was charmingly beautiful. No it wasn’t the poshest of resorts. But you don’t go there and expect butler service nor 24/7 ac. You go because you want to taste the comforting salty winds blow though your room. You come to appreciate the endless sea of blue of both the sky and the sea.
But more than the place, it was the people. We were greeted eagerly by the bride and groom. Making sure we were comfortable and settled. Taking care of our every need. Too much really. We felt we were family. And that feeling was special. To break bread over their table, with no delineation of who were guests and who were suppliers. To share the same 3 in one coffee sachets and to lounge in the same pool.
And that allowed us to know more about everybody, and therefore make a more meaningful film.
I learned that “Sebastian” moved from Germany to Melbourne and likes the Aussie lifestyle better. That they met and fell in love there. I learned that Marissa’s family was from Ilocos and it was the first meeting of both families (imagine the nerves!). I learned that what they have is not defined by ethnicity or color. They just – love. And everybody was happy for them.
I could not have spent my Holy Wednesday any better.